Q3-Q4 2024 : PAY2PLAY + TOKEN ROADMAP, Launching Fantasy Mode, introduction to META11.
Q4 2024: TOKEN DROP, Rewarding Loyal players, Incentivising growth and retention, introduce a variety of Tournaments.
Q3 2025: Play and Earn mode is expected to be introduced. Avatar Ownership (on chain): Create, own, train, compete - introducing the ultimate game of skill and strategy.
Q4 2025: UTILITY +++, Season Pass, Accessory sales, unlocks, drops, Peer to peer marketplace, UGC tournaments, matches and game modes, Avatar Cloning Lab, Peer to peer leasing, Token Staking.
Q1 2026: Introducing the next sport: UFC, BASEBALL, SOCCER, GOLF, Building out the Sports Omniverse, one sport at a time.
Last updated