Improve your AI Avatar

META11 Avatars can only play among other Avatars of the same grade. However, the more games your Avatar plays, the more they improve. They will improve their rank and move up grades the better they become, and the more wins they have.

In addition, there will be multiple other avenues through which you can improve your Avatar.

  • Equipment: Three types of equipment will be provided; basic, intermediate and advanced. The better the equipment, the more likely your cricketers will succeed. There will be a variety of equipment and accessories that you can chose from including: Bats, Balls, Boots, Gloves, Helmet and facial wear. The combination of different equipment will improve how your Avatar performs. The players job is to find which combination suits their Avatar best and in which matchups and conditions.

A selection of different bats that will increase Avatar performance when equipped.
  • Training: After a certain number of games has been played, users will unlock and be offered the option for their Avatar to participate in the META11 training grounds. Training will enhance and improve Avatars' attributes. A player will select what areas of the game they wish their Avatar to train.

  • Rehabilitation: As with all sports, the more the Avatar plays, the more chance of being injured. If your cricketer does fatigue and could receive an injury, users may have to ensure they undergo rehabilitation our unlock / purchase catalysts to rejuvenate Avatar fatigue, so that they can compete at their highest level again.

A META11 Avatar with customized accesories.

Last updated